Anxiety Causes and Symptoms

01:40 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

All of us can totally relate to the times we bit our nails thinking about how a particular job interview will go. Many of us have spent hours worrying about what will happen in the examination hall when we’re taking a difficult paper. It is totally normal to feel anxious and worried in situations like these. When our body recognizes a situation or a person as a threat to us, it releases adrenaline which triggers emotions like anxiety. This helps us to understand the severity of the situation and facilitates a spontaneous reaction out of us. Anxiety in such a case is helpful. But some people feel anxious and panicky even when they aren’t in a dangerous situation. The intensity of fear is quite high. A single thing goes wrong and they lose their cool. This is a serious problem which interferes with normal life. According to Ayurveda, anxiety is caused due to an imbalance in the Vata dosha. This causes disturbances in the nervous system causing problems like stress and anxiety. Vata dosha can be imbalanced in many ways ranging from diet plans to overthinking. Let us take a look at the underlying causes behind anxiety - Causes of Anxiety Vata aggravating diet can lead to anxiety Anxiety caused by unstable relationships Anxiety caused by diseases and drugs Anxiety caused by stimulants Anxiety caused by social media Vata aggravating diet can lead to anxiety As already discussed before, anxiety occurs when there is an imbalance in the vata dosha. Eating cold foods have a negative impact on your vata dosha. Drinking too much cold water is not ideal either. Eating foods which are difficult to digest may also cause a problem. In fact, consuming raw fruits and vegetables may also aggravate your dosha. (Also Read: Ways To Balance The Doshas) Anxiety caused by lifestyle and unstable relationships The way you function can be the cause ...

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