Best Ayurvedic Herbs For Psoriasis

03:26 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Psoriasis is a skin condition and is non-contagious. Although the exact cause of the disorder is yet to be established, there are many supposed reasons like heredity, viral or bacterial infection etc. which contribute towards the said condition. Since it involves skin, you need to take special care regarding the type of remedy you use as a wrong choice can do more harm than good. The safest option would be to go natural and utilize the knowledge of Ayurveda to derive the medicinal benefits from various herbs. Here are some herbs which are beneficial in relieving (since psoriasis is a chronic disease, it can only be controlled and not eradicated) the symptoms of psoriasis - Black nightshade for psoriasis Garlic for psoriasis Neem for psoriasis Guggulu for psoriasis Jasmine for psoriasis treatment Manjishtha for treating psoriasis Guduchi for psoriasis Black nightshade for psoriasis Commonly known as kakmachi and makoi in India, this plant is known to be useful for psoriasis symptoms. You can derive the benefit of this herb by crushing the leaves and extracting the juice to apply on the affected regions. The juice will help in reducing the pain. This can be done daily. It will also calm the inflamed regions. Garlic for psoriasis Garlic has been used for some time now for helping with the symptoms of psoriasis. It is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of garlic can turn out to be an effective way to even prevent psoriasis. Eat 2-3 garlic cloves in a day, every day to combat with the scaly skin disorder. For external application, you can also opt for garlic oil which can be applied regularly for calming redness and pain. Neem for psoriasis Neem holds antibacterial and antifungal properties which prove to be effective in treating skin infections. It also reduces itching and swelling. Moreover, neem is also known to strengthen your immune system. ...

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