Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations for Improving Memory

04:50 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Who wouldn’t want to enhance their memory when we have reality shows lined up on television which pay you to recollect the facts correctly (KBC!!)? It feels great when you can reminisce about the beautiful time spent in school with friends or remember that happening vacation you took with your family. Strong memory is considered as a sign of intelligence. But what if you are one of those people who cannot even remember what they had for lunch? Guilty!! Poor memory can be such an irritating and embarrassing thing to deal with. What if you could change this with some simple steps? Let’s talk about little changes in your life which could give you a sharper memory. Foods that improve memory Yoga for concentration and memory Take sufficient sleep for good memory Stop drugs for memory improvement Stay happy for memory enhancement Indulge in brain exercises for good memory Foods that improve memory What you eat has a great influence on your brain health. Include green leafy vegetables in your diet. Make sure to include foods rich in vitamin B1 and B12. Regular usage of ghee in your food is good for memory. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption as this might affect the health of your brain. Eat cooked and easily digestible meals for good health. Drink a glass of warm milk with added spice every day. Eat almonds as they are great for increasing memory. Include walnuts and blueberries in your diet. Flaxseed oil, avocado and cod fish liver oil are also beneficial for your health. Yoga for concentration and memory Yoga helps to enhance the quality of your thoughts. It also helps in maintaining good mental health. Surya namaskar is one of the most popular series of asanas which is good for physical and mental health. Meditation alleviates stress and increases concentration power. This makes your mind more efficient. Exercising helps in proper blood circulation to ...

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