Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations for High Blood Pressure Patient

03:08 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is primarily a lifestyle disorder only. Poor diet, lack of exercise, stress etc. are responsible for the high BP or hypertension (Read more about High Blood Pressure Causes and Symptoms). The cure of this disease lies within the problem only. Hypertension can be effectively controlled by making few changes in your diet and lifestyle. Master the technique of controlling your blood pressure level by adopting these simple diet and lifestyle changes for hypertension - Diet for Hypertension Patient Exercise for Hypertension Control Stress Management for High Blood Pressure Diet for Hypertension Patient Diet plays a crucial role in curing any disease. Correct diet will be a great aid in treating your high blood pressure. Keep a check on whatever you are eating. Eat your meal slowly and chew the food properly. Take your meals strictly on time. Late night dinner should be avoided. (Also Read: Ayurvedic Diet for Good Health) Food for High Blood Pressure Patient Keep your salt intake restricted to 1500-2400mg per day. Try to eat vegetables in their raw form. Follow a vegetarian diet as excessive protein intake will not be good for you. Fruits like watermelon, orange, banana, apple, mango, pear, papaya and pineapple are very effective in lowering BP. Consuming watermelon seeds is a potent cure for hypertension. Include cucumber, carrot, radish, cabbage, onion and tomato in your salad as eating these in raw form helps in controlling blood pressure. Increase your magnesium, potassium, calcium and fiber intake as this will aid in keeping your heart healthy. (Also Read: Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure) Foods to Avoid Hypertension Avoid fatty food as it will lead to higher cholesterol, thus higher blood pressure level. Meat and eggs shall also be avoided. Say a no to alcohol and smoking. Though occasional drinking is fine (but that too not more than two drinks), smoking makes heart to beat faster ...

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