Memory Loss Causes and Symptoms

04:45 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

How many times have you walked into a room and completely zoned out or have checked multiple times if you have locked the main door? It is normal for anyone to forget stuff sometimes but if this happens more frequently, it may be frustrating. Memory is a great gift, imagine what would it be like to forget this very passing moment? Our memory helps to recall past events and reproduce the sequences in our head. Although not a very clear determinant, good memory is often linked with intelligence. Being able to remember facts and apply them in real life is indeed a talent. Many people strive towards enhancing this ability. A lot of people deal with problems relating to memory. Some people suffer from amnesia or memory loss where they are not able to remember things. Memory loss is termed as Smriti Naasha. It is believed to be seen mostly due to an imbalance in Vata and Pitta dosha. The increase in vata dosha may lead to distraction and hence inability to recall past events whereas a disturbance in kapha dosha may lead to a dull mind. Causes of poor memory or memory loss according to Ayurveda Foods that affect memory Age related memory loss Diseases that cause memory loss Drugs and tobacco lead to poor memory Sleep deprivation and memory loss Stress causes poor memory Brain injury leading to memory loss Foods that affect memory Eating excessive sugary and heavy foods is not good for brain health. Extra spicy and fried food harms your health. Alcohol consumption plays a great role in memory loss episodes. Being a depressant, it makes a person rather non-observant and distracted at the moment. Over-consumption of alcohol is known to have a direct impact on working memory. It is also associated with amnesia. Eating a lot of meat and processed foods is harmful for brain functioning as they release toxins ...

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