High Blood Pressure Causes and Symptoms

05:38 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Hectic lifestyle, improper diet and stressful events give birth to numerous diseases and disorders. Hypertension or high blood pressure is one such disorder. Hypertension has now become a major health problem. Our heart acts as the pumping organ and infuses life into our body by pumping blood through arteries. A certain amount of pressure is required to pump the blood and when the pressure increases above the normal range, high blood pressure or hypertension happens. There are two types of pressure - systolic and diastolic. When the heart pumps blood into the body, it is regarded as systolic pressure while the pressure exerted when the heart rests between beats is diastolic pressure. The normal systolic and diastolic pressure is less than 130 and 80 mm per hg respectively. And when the blood pressure elevates over this normal range persistently over a week, the patient suffers from hypertension disorder. Hypertension Causes As Per Ayurveda Hypertension is known as Rakta Gata Vata in ayurveda and can be caused due to the imbalance of any of the three doshas - vata, kapha and pitta. High salt intake, obesity, stress, alcohol and nicotine consumption, metabolic disorders, heredity etc. can be the causes behind the imbalance of dosha or biological energies. Patients suffering from diabetes, arteriosclerosis or kidney disorders are more prone to high blood pressure. Ayurveda believes improper digestion to be the prime reason behind high BP. Improper digestion leads to the production of a toxic substance called ‘ama.’ Ama mixes with the plasma in blood and transforms into ‘sama.’ Sama is sticky and heavy in nature. When it settles down in heart channels, it causes narrowing of arteries which raises the blood pressure level in the body. Hypertension Symptoms Hypertension is many a times referred as a ‘silent killer’ as most people experience no symptoms until they are diagnosed ... https://www.shimply.com/articles/high-blood-pressure-causes-and-symptoms/

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