Cellulite Trouble? Treat It At Home
Cellulite is something most women dread. It affects more than 80% women at some point of their lives. Although it is commonly seen in older women, it can occur at any age. It is basically an underlying layer of fat which gives a dimpled appearance. It does not look good and can make many people conscious of themselves. It is seen that women generally are more prone to cellulite than men and the main problematic areas are thighs and buttocks. Although there is no established reason for it, there are various theories about what causes cellulite. The reasons may include improper nutrition, hormonal imbalance, lack of exercise and slow metabolism etc. Genetics may also play a major role in deciding whether you will develop cellulite. As it is not desirable, many women want to get rid of it. Without undergoing expensive surgeries, here are a few ways to get rid of cellulite - Healthy lifestyle Your lifestyle plays a great role in your appearance. Eating nutritious food with more water content and less fat content can help keep cellulite at bay. Also drinking a good amount of water helps flush out the toxins and keep skin healthy. Exercise is a good way to tone your muscles. Specific exercises target thighs and buttocks and help reduce cellulite. Coffee scrub Coffee makes for a great exfoliant. It helps in proper blood circulation and removing dead skin cells. This helps decrease the appearance of cellulite. You can make a coffee scrub by adding coconut oil to the coffee grounds and apply it on your thighs and buttocks. Leave this on for 20 minutes and wash it off. Regular usage will yield results. Extra virgin olive oil Extra virgin olive oil is a great oil with nourishing properties. It ensures proper circulation and improves the skin texture. You can massage ... https://www.shimply.com/articles/how-to-treat-cellulite-at-home/from Articles https://www.shimply.com/articles/how-to-treat-cellulite-at-home/