Causes of Grey Hair

07:05 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Spotting a grey hair never brings you any happiness and you die a little more inside if you spot that grey strand of hair in your 20s. Greying of hair before time is known as premature greying of hair. Your hair is bound to lose its natural shine and turn grey as you grow old but when this happens at a young age, it could be a problem. These grey strands are comparatively weaker, brittle and prone to breakage. You can dig deeper into the cause of greying of hair through Ayurvedic approach. Ayurveda explains greying of hair as a dosha imbalance and has named it palitya. There are three energies which control every characteristic of our body and mind. The functioning of these doshas governs the type of skin we have, our mental skills and so much more. Greying of hair is caused by the aggravation of pitta dosha. Pitta dosha may be imbalanced in many ways. Let us take a closer look at what might be causing your hair to become grey - Causes of Grey Hair as per Ayurveda Foods that cause grey hair Smoking and drinking cause grey hair Chemicals in hair products cause grey hair Stress causes grey hair Sun causes grey hair Disease and medication can cause grey hair Foods that cause grey hair If you consume pitta aggravating foods, pitta dosha will be imbalanced. Eating extremely hot, spicy, fried and sour food will lead to this. If you continue to eat such foods, your pitta balance will be disturbed. Excessive intake of coffee and tea (hot beverages) also leads to the imbalance. In short, all the food items which cause an imbalance in pitta dosha can also be the reason you have grey hair.   Smoking and drinking cause grey hair You may be surprised to know that alcohol and cigarettes can result in damaged hair. Substance found in alcohol ...

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