Postnatal Care According To Ayurveda
The happiness you feel when you hold your newly born baby in your arms is indescribable. The act of giving birth is such a blessing. You took every little precaution while your precious was inside your body. Now that you have given birth, your body has changed. You have put on weight and have been through a lot during your pregnancy. You have started lactating for nourishing your baby. This postnatal period is called Sutika kala in ayurveda and post natal care is described as Sutika Paricharya. It is the time when the mother needs to restore her health and gain back her strength. As per ayurveda, the condition of the mother after pregnancy can be compared with a pot filled with oil upto brim. Just like the oil can spill in case the pot is not stable, the mother can also see a deterioration in her health if proper care is not taken. So it's extremely important for her to take care of her diet, lifestyle and daily routine to come back to her normal self again. Here are a few measures suggested by ayurveda to ensure you maintain a healthy postnatal life and restore your health - Bring Vata Dosha in Control after delivery Post pregnancy diet Rest after delivery Postnatal massage Ayurvedic medicines after delivery Ayurvedic herbs for post pregnancy care Losing weight after pregnancy Bring Vata Dosha in Control after delivery Ayurveda suggests that the activity of the Vata dosha is what causes the delivery of the infant (Also Read: The 3 Doshas in Ayurveda – Vatta, Pitta, Kapha). Naturally, this would mean that Vata dosha shoots up after the process. Balancing the vata dosha thus becomes a prime concern after the birth of the baby. Ghee intake is highly encouraged in this case. A teaspoon of ghee mixed with herbs like ginger, pepper, chitraka and chavya is given to ... Articles