Lifestyle and Dietary Changes for Arthritis

23:32 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Balanced diet accompanied with proper lifestyle holds the key to good health. It not only helps in preventing diseases but it also has enough potential to cure many diseases naturally. A simple change in diet and lifestyle can have a huge positive impact on health. Same is the case if you are suffering from arthritis. Arthritis is primarily a result of vitiated vata dosha (Read more about causes of arthritis and its symptoms). Depending on anti-inflammatory drugs or pain-killers, which have several side effects, isn’t the complete solution for arthritis. One should also eat proper arthritis diet and follow a healthy lifestyle. Dietary Changes for Arthritis Improper diet is the root cause of most of the diseases and proper diet is the cure for many diseases. Including some food items and excluding some will ease your deal with arthritis and its unbearable pain. Foods for arthritis patients Inflammation is a major cause behind arthritis. So choose foods like broccoli, cherries, green tea, oranges (or citrus fruits) etc. which have anti-inflammatory properties. Broccoli is a great food for arthritis or osteoarthritis. Use fenugreek and its leaves as one of the ingredients daily in your meal. Cook your food using fish or extra virgin olive oil and do include turmeric, ginger and garlic as spices. Dairy products aid in strengthening the bones. So pounce over dairy products but keep in mind that obesity may trigger your arthritis symptoms. (Also Read: Obesity Causes, Symptoms and Effect on Health) Foods that aggravate arthritis Avoiding bad food is as necessary as eating good food. Hot, spicy, sweet and fatty food makes arthritis worse. Frozen food (cake, donuts etc.) and white flour products (bread, noodles etc.) tend to increase the inflammation in joints. Limit your caffeine intake. Say a strict no to alcohol and smoking as it further increases the inflammation. Exercise for Arthritis Diet alone is not sufficient. One shall ...

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