Premature Skin Aging Causes, Signs and Symptoms

05:46 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

It is not exactly a pleasant scenario to witness wrinkles when you’re still in your 20s. It is quite the nightmare for most. Premature skin aging is a process where the signs of aging like wrinkles, dryness and appearance of fine lines begin to show on your skin in your early years of life. Obviously, you and I can neither stop nor do anything about the natural aging process which is bound to occur as you grow old. But if you start to see the signs earlier than a normal person at your age would, it means that you have certain factors around you affecting your skin and causing it to age. Ayurveda provides a skin care approach towards premature aging. Considering the concept of the energies or doshas which rule our bodies, it is seen that out of the three doshas, Vata imbalance is the leading cause of ageing. For our health to be properly in tune, all the three doshas should be balanced. Imbalance leads to problems in the body and mind and ultimately causes health disorders or diseases. Let us take a look at some reasons which might be responsible for the early signs of ageing. Causes of Premature Aging as per Ayurveda Improper diet causes premature aging of skin Lack of exercise causes aging of skin Sun exposure and premature aging Smoking causes wrinkles Skin aging caused by sleep deprivation Stress causes premature aging Improper diet causes premature aging of skin It has been said that - “You are what you eat.” It is a very correct statement as the kind of food we intake has a great effect on the way our skin looks. Eating spicy, heavy and fried food is not good for health as they aggravate your doshas and bring about an imbalance in them. Intake of excessive coffee and tea which are loaded with caffeine is ...

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