Are Ayurvedic, Herbal and Organic Products same?

23:26 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

The fraudulent and malpractices in trade have reached their pinnacle. Each day you can listen to news of adulterated food, increasing use of pesticides, food poisoning, farmers using chemicals to grow crops and so on.  These factors have increased the demand for herbal, ayurveda and organic products. But before improving your health with these healthy products, ponder over the question - are Ayurvedic, Herbal and Organic Products same? Substantial portion of population consider ayurvedic, herbal and organic products to be synonyms of each other. But the perception has little shades of grey in it. Though the meaning of three terms overlaps, but they are quite different in their approach. Ayurvedic, herbal and organic products not only differ in their meaning but also in origin, approach, ingredients, usage, etc. Ayurvedic products are procured according to the principles of “Ayurveda.” Ayurveda means ‘life knowledge’ and it follows the holistic approach for good health. Ayurveda has its roots in India. In ayurveda, healthy body doesn’t imply disease-free body but the perfect balance between the biological energies, named pitta, vata and kapha. Ayurveda is basically a medicinal science which uses herbs, minerals, metal extracts (like iron, copper etc.), animal extracts and certain gem stones to cure the root cause of diseases and ailments or simply to keep body in a healthy state. Ayurvedic products include tablets, syrups, bhasma, rasayana, ghee, oil, pastes etc. It also believes in curing the disease through massage, aromatherapy and fishtherapy. Herbal products are made from herbs or plant extracts and can be taken lifelong. Herbal treatment can be traced back to China. Unlike Ayurveda, it doesn’t include metal extracts, massage or any other therapy to cure diseases. Herbal treatment basically starts from kitchen. It believes in the fact that nature has given us so many potent natural ingredients that can help us in combating with ...

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