Prevent Premature Skin Aging With Diet and Lifestyle Changes

05:46 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Don’t we all want to look young forever? Once in a while, everyone wishes to delay old age. I mean, who likes wrinkles and fine lines anyway? Aging is a natural and inevitable process which occurs with time. You have to grow old, there’s no other way! You cannot defy the laws of nature. But sometimes you start to witness signs of aging before time. This is known as premature aging. Premature skin aging is a major concern for women. Ayurveda explains ageing as a certain and predestined event. Premature skin ageing, however, is a whole another story. The balance between the three doshas - vata, pitta and kapha is what is required to sustain a healthy body and mind. If there is so much as an imbalance in even one of the doshas, there is a possibility of some disorder or disease. Premature skin ageing is mainly said to occur due to an imbalance in vata dosha. (Read about the Causes of Premature Skin Ageing in detail). There might be some lifestyle and diet practices causing this process. Let us take a look at some changes you can make in your daily life to prevent premature ageing - Healthy eating to prevent aging Sleep well to prevent premature skin aging Follow proper skin care routine for aging skin Stop smoking to prevent premature skin aging Exercise to get rid of aging skin Healthy eating to prevent aging What you consume on a daily basis has a direct impact on your health. It reflects on your face. If you eat junk food a lot and ditch your veggies, trust me it is going to be visible on your skin. If you have dry skin (vata characteristic), you should be extra careful about your diet and should totally avoid vata increasing foods. Try to avoid cold, dry, spicy and heavy ...

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