Acne Causes and Effects

04:19 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Acne or pimples is not something new. Almost all people are familiar with the annoying zits that occur anytime, anywhere. Though people with oily skin are more prone to acne, it can occur to anyone. Acne is basically a disorder related to oil glands which are present beneath the skin. The activity of the oil glands increases in the teenage years of a person’s life because of the hormonal changes that take place (eg. menstrual cycles in case of girls and puberty in case of boys). Skin pores are linked to oil glands by means of follicles. When these follicles or channels get blocked or clogged by sebum (secretion of oil gland), a pimple is formed. Bacterial growth is also a major factor which supports the growth of a pimple. These are the signs of the problem but not the actual reason behind it. Acne can be explained by Ayurvedic approach. Ayurveda is the holistic medical healthcare system that originated in India many many years ago. It was practiced by learned saints who used natural and organic treatments for a disorder or disease. Acne is called Yuvana Pidika in Ayurveda, Yuvana meaning youth and Pidika implying eruption of skin. What Causes Acne as per Ayurveda Ayurveda is based upon three biological energies that together govern the body and mind of a person. These energies are - Vata (derived from space and air), Pitta (derived from fire and water) and Kapha (derived from Earth and water). If there is an imbalance in these energies or doshas, a disorder occurs. In acne, there is generally an imbalance in all the three doshas. There are many ways in which these doshas can be imbalanced and may result in acne. Let us take a look at some of these - Digestive disorders cause acne Lack of sleep and stress causes ...

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