Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain

04:37 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

In this era when most of the work is computerized, people are required to work for long hours in prolonged sitting postures which makes back pain a common health problem. And the stressful environment increases the load on back. People usually ignore the back pain or consider it to be the normal part of the ageing process and try to get rid of this pain by swallowing some pain killers. But pain killer is not the complete solution for back pain and it too has serious side effects on health in the long run. So instead of seeking temporary solutions, look for a permanent one. Ayurveda aids in getting relief from back pain, that too with natural approach. According to ayurvedic scriptures, back pain is caused due to vitiated vata dosha. Aggravated vata dosha causes poor digestion, leading to production of toxic substances, thereby causing pain in joints or spine (Read more about Back Pain Causes and Symptoms). So, for uprooting back pain from the body, ayurveda not only focuses on alleviating pain but it also aims to pacify the vata dosha, thus reversing the back pain. Ayurvedic treatment for getting rid of back pain has been used for millennia in India and South Asia. Ayurveda aids in getting rid of back pain through two approaches: Ayurvedic Massage Therapies for Back Pain Ayurveda believes that many of the ailments can be cured naturally with the help of massage alone. Its healing touch relaxes the nerves and body and gives a great relief from any ache. Realizing its importance in the era when back pain, joint pain etc. are common affairs, ayurveda has opened its own body massage centers throughout the India. Here are some effective ayurvedic massage therapies for back pain relief: Pathrapothrathisvatham Massage Therapy for Back Pain Pizhichal Massage Therapy for Back Pain Kadivasthi Massage Therapy for Back Pain Siroabhyangam Massage Therapy for Back ...

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