Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations to Prevent Acne and Pimples

04:34 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Acne affects the best of us. Trust me when I say this, acne is one of the most popular skin disorder people face. It is formed due to clogged follicle which is filled with dead skin cells, sebum (secretion from oil gland) and sometimes hair. Many factors result in acne. Acne can occur anywhere but is mostly commonly seen on face and neck. Primarily, you should keep your skin clean from the dirt and impurities. It is not only the external factors that cause acne, sometimes internal factors play a great role (Also Read: Acne Causes and Effects). Ayurveda, which is the oldest healthcare system in India, gives some insight on the ways one can develop pimples. Youvana Pidaka is the name given to acne in Ayurveda. Ayurveda as a health care system basically concentrates on three biological energies or doshas which rule a person’s mental and physical health. These are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Acne results from imbalance in all these three doshas. So, in order to prevent acne, you should undergo some basic diet and lifestyle changes. Take a look - Diet to prevent acne and pimples Eating unhealthy food can cause an imbalance in your dosha. You should make it a point to eat healthy, warm and cooked food which is not dry. Try to avoid hot and spicy food. These can cause inflammation in the skin by increasing the Pitta dosha. Lessen the intake of alcohol, cheese and coffee. Drink normal temperature water and not cold water. Intake of ice cream and cold drinks should be decreased. Raw food should be avoided. Skincare for acne Take good care of your skin. Wash your face with a herbal handmade soap which is not harsh on your skin. Avoid using cosmetics of different kinds which can damage your face in the long run ...

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