Arthritis Causes and Symptoms

23:32 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Every one person out of ten, doesn't even know that he/she is suffering from arthritis. They accept the pain and inflammation as the routine part of their day. Old people think it to be normal part of aging while adults have a misconception that arthritis can only affect old persons. Ignoring arthritis may push you in the land of trouble. A person can lead a healthy life even with arthritis if he takes prescribed medications, eat proper arthritis diet and adopts a perfect lifestyle. But if ignored, it may lead to surgery or can even make you disabled. So let's understand this serious disease which is a major health problem and step towards healthy joints and healthy life. Causes of Arthritis As Per Ayurveda Arthritis is basically inflammation of one or more joints due to low immunity. In ayurveda, arthritis is primarily the result of vitiated vata dosha and is categorized mainly in three categories based on their root causes and involvement of vata dosha. Amavata: Rheumatoid arthritis in ayurveda is known by the name -"amavata," since according to ayurveda, rheumatoid arthritis is the result of aggravated ama and vata. Ama is the toxic substance produced due to improper indigestion and vata (air) is one of the dosha or biological energies. The ama circulates in the whole body and accumulates at weaker joints and vata starts aggravating. This initiates swelling and ultimately results in arthritis or amavata. Sandhi Gata vata: Sandhi gata vata resembles osteoarthritis and is caused when vitiated vata makes joints its home. It is more common in women as a menopausal effect and generally affects the joints of knees, ankles, spines and hips. It happens usually when the body has low calcium intake or is degenerating as a part of ageing. Vata-Rakta: Vata-Rakta is ayurvedic name of gouty-arthritis and is again a result ...

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