Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Arthritis

23:34 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Ayurveda through its ayurvedic products and treatments aims to gift you a long and healthy life. That is a reason why ayurveda is known as the science of long life. In ayurveda, arthritis is mainly categorised as ‘amavata’ (rheumatoid arthritis), 'Sandhigata vata' (osteoarthritis) and 'Vata-Rakta' (gouty-arthritis). Arthritis may affect a joint or multiple joints causing severe pain, inflammation, swelling and stiffness making mobility of the affected joint difficult (Also Read: Arthritis Causes and Symptoms) While anti-inflammatory drugs or pain killers can leave serious side-effects on your kidney, stomach, liver and heart, ayurveda medicinal system is fairly safe and treats the disease by alleviating its root cause. Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatment for Arthritis This treatment involves various therapies which help in purification of the body and stabilize the dosha that is responsible for a particular disease. Some of the Panchakarma therapies which are very useful in case of arthritis are Abhyanga (medicated oil massage), Janu vasti (holding of medicated oil in an area constructed using black gram flour, around the knee region, especially to treat knee arthritis) etc. There are also some sweat including therapies like Elakizhi (also known as Patra Pinda Sweda) which are extremely effective in various kinds of arthritis. Here herbal leaves are first warmed in medicated oil and then applied on the affected region in order to provide relief. Ayurvedic Medicines for Arthritis Ayurveda provides both internal and external ayurvedic medicines for curing arthritis. While the internal ones can be taken orally, the external ones are for external application on the body or the affected region. Dhanwantharam Thailam for arthritis Murivenna Oil cures arthritis Kottamchukkadi Thailam treats arthritis Treat arthritis with Punarnavadi Guggulu Mahanarayana Thailam for arthritis Rasnadi Kashayam is an ayurvedic remedy for arthritis Yograj Guggulu for arthritis pain Amavatari Kashayam alleviates arthritis pain Ostikot Tablets reduce arthritis pain Dhanwantharam Thailam for arthritis Dhanwantharam Ayurvedic medicated oil is another wonder ayurvedic preparation for arthritis patients. It beautifully garners the anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties which make it an effective massage oil for ...

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