Yoga – The Ultimate Guide for Good Health

06:20 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Yoga has been used since time immemorial to stay healthy and fit and is considered to be one of the oldest holistic health care systems.  In ancient India, it was practised by yogis who were known to have great physical, spiritual and mental health. Even today, Yoga is being practised to achieve physical healing and to attain mental and spiritual health. It is also being widely practised in the West and various benefits regarding Yoga are being studied now. Probably the healthiest form of exercise, yoga is the union of body, mind and soul. It has a variety of health benefits. Improves posture and flexibility The various yoga aasans aim to improve your overall body posture. Good body posture is really important as it lessens the unwanted stress on the neck and the back of your body. The various stretching exercises help improve the flexibility of the body and also helps with aches and pains. Weight loss Stop stressing about your fat and try out Yoga. There are many exercises in yoga that aim at burning fat and making sure that your body does not store food as fat. This helps in efficient weight management. In addition to that, when you do yoga regularly your body itself becomes aware of the food you are eating which makes you all the more healthy. Improves immunity When you move your body and do the yoga postures, your body increases the drainage of lymph. This helps to fight against the harmful germs, kill the cancerous cells and dispose off the waste products. Improves concentration and brings peace of mind Yoga requires you to calm your mind and stay focused. While doing balancing postures, you are required to concentrate. In fact, even during a shavasana (corpse pose), you are asked to relax but your mind is still required to stay alert and feel all ...

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