Bindi – More Than A Dot Of Hue
Indian culture always comes with so many surprises and one of them is this tiny ornament, a pretty red bindi. No doubt putting a bindi on forehead makes women look extremely beautiful and stunning! This bindi is a sweet reminder of some of the best childhood memories. I think we all remember playing those games in our childhood like ghar ghar, gudda gudiya ki shaadi, dressing up as a bride putting on tons of makeup, wearing our Mom's favourite dupatta and putting a bindi on top. Such a cute memory! What's interesting is that this tiny ornament, known by different names in different parts of India (bindu, botu, tilak, tilakam, kumkum, phot, tip etc.) is not just a dot that enhances a woman’s beauty but it is more than that. It has a strong historical and cultural influence in our society, In ancient vedic period, Brahmins used to put a bindi or bindu of sandalwood paste signifying purity, Kshatriyas - the warrior caste put red tilak showing fortitude and valour, Vaishyas put haldi tilak for prosperity as they were the trading class and Shudras put a black mark reflecting their status as the serving or the lower caste. So here, this bindi actually reflected the status and class difference in the society. It is also believed that the place where bindi is put, is the place where “Ajna Chakra” resides. It is the sixth chakra in human body. Pineal gland is situated here. This gland secretes Melatonin hormone which regulates sleep. It fights insomnia and also helps in waking up early in morning. Reciting and concentrating the syllable “OM” and placing bindi right there on point helps in killing the “Ahankar” or Ego. This helps in introspection, self realisation and internal peace. At the same time, ajna chakra is the area which heats up due to tension or any kind of stress. ...
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