Best Ways To Prevent Premature Greying Of Hair

07:02 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Isn't it frustrating to suddenly spot a grey hair? It can be really embarrassing to have grey hair in younger years of life like early 20s. A lot of people suffer from this problem of premature greying of hair. The cause is aggravated by the state of the world we live in today. A lot of stuff goes on in our lives that becomes the root cause of almost all problems. Premature greying of hair can be due to a number of reasons. Genetics may play a great role in deciding whether you may have grey hair early in life. Other prominent reasons include smoking, stress, inadequate diet and certain medical disorders. Grey hair is due to inhibition in the production of melanin - pigment responsible for dark color of hair. Now, resorting to options like hair dyes and other expensive remedies might be a temporary option for fixing this problem but is never healthy and lasting. These products sometimes further damage the hair more with the chemicals present in them. So it is a wise option to look for alternatives that are natural and safe. Following are the few ways you can treat this problem - Henna Henna has been used since time immemorial to naturally condition and color hair. Use henna with coffee powder and add curd to it. After letting the mixture for 3 hours, apply on your hair. Keep this for 2 hours and wash off with water. Curry leaves & Coconut oil Curry leaves are great for grey hair as they naturally restore the natural pigment of hair that provides color. They also prevent further greying of hair. Also, they make hair stronger and shinier. Coconut oil provides nourishment to hair and smoothen the strands. Take some curry leaves and boil in coconut hair oil for a few minutes till the ...

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