Stress Causes and Symptoms

22:02 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Stress - I believe this word has played or still plays a crucial role in our lives. While it is safe to say that being tensed or worried about achieving something surely gives you a healthy push towards your goal, but if you feel smothered under emotional tension in your life, it is not a healthy sign. The fast moving world poses competition at us with responsibilities and worldly desires staring right back. Too much stress can be the root cause of mental problems. The first approach towards understanding the healing process would be the analysis of the problem. The Ayurvedic approach to stress is distinctive in itself because of the fact that it considers every person to be unique. Ayurveda suggests that the predominance of one, both or sometimes all three energies of doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) will go on to decide the sort of mental problem you would be dealing with. Ayurveda has also emphasized on the concept of 'gunas' which can be translated into universal qualities. These qualities are rajas or passion, sattva or purity and tamas or inertia. All people are believed to possess these qualities in variable amounts. Now, when rajas or passion are in an excessive amount, stress is caused. This leads to an imbalance in our doshas. There might be many causes leading to worry or tension. Let us see what might be causing you to be stressed - Causes of Stress as per Ayurveda Unhealthy diet causes stress Disorganized lifestyle causes stress Lack of sleep causes stress Stress caused by financial problems Stress caused by loss of a loved one Stress caused by environmental factors Stress caused by bad relationships Unhealthy diet causes stress If you intake excessive sugary foods, your body goes through imbalance which affects your mental health. Excessive intake of coffee and tea can sometimes lead to mental disturbance. ...

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