Psoriasis Causes and Symptoms

03:26 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Psoriasis is a skin disorder which is characterized by red, scaly and rough areas on the skin. Psoriasis is not an infectious disease. It is a chronic disease which might have alternate periods of being better and worse. Psoriasis is marked by an autoimmune reaction in which your immune system overreacts even without the presence of an invader. In psoriasis, there is a reported hyperactivity in skin cell proliferation. On an average, our skin takes about 28 days to produce new skin cells to replace the older ones but people suffering from psoriasis have their skin produce new cells in just 4-5 days. This leads to piling up of the cells. This ultimately becomes the reason for red, dry and itchy patches on the skin. Ayurveda describes Psoriasis as Ekakushtha and explains the disorder as an imbalance of the Vata and Kapha dosha. It is believed that the imbalance leads to an accumulation of toxins in the deeper layers of skin which lead to the manifestation of psoriasis. Although the exact cause of psoriasis is not known, there might be certain things putting you in danger of being affected with psoriasis. Possible Causes of Psoriasis Genetics can lead to psoriasis Dysfunction of immune system can cause psoriasis Psoriasis caused by infection or injury Nutrition and stress can result in psoriasis Genetics can lead to psoriasis It is probably the most popularly accepted cause for psoriasis. It is noted if one parent has psoriasis, the chances of the child (offspring) developing psoriasis increases upto 15% and by 60% if both parents have it. It might be passed on to the offspring. Dysfunction of immune system can cause psoriasis The immune system experiences an abnormal reaction in which it begins to attack healthy skin cells. Our immune system is generally responsible for attacking virus and bacteria but it shows autoimmune functioning. This leads to production ...

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