Obesity Prevention – Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations 

03:00 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Obesity is a general problem a lot of people face. Ayurveda has explained obesity in terms of the energies or doshas, which are said to govern a human body. Out of the three doshas - vata, pitta and kapha, the imbalance in kapha dosha is the main reason for obesity. Vata dosha also plays an important role (Read more about Obesity Causes, Symptoms and Effect on Health). Kapha generally has the characteristics of being very laid back and kind of lazy. The increase in the kapha dosha leads to obesity. There are many reasons for this imbalance like eating heavy and sweet foods, overeating, lack of physical exercise etc. In order for you to lose weight, you need to make some changes in your lifestyle. These healthy changes will make sure you lose those extra pounds from your body- Avoid kapha aggravating foods Do not binge eat Regular exercise is the key Take adequate sleep Avoid kapha aggravating foods Now this one is a no-brainer. Now that you know that kapha surge is mainly responsible for obesity, you obviously want to cut back on the foods which increase kapha. This would mean avoiding heavy, sweet and cold food as much as possible. Sugar is your enemy, always remember! Honey is a good substitute for sugar. A warm glass of water to start off your day is great. You can also put lemon juice and ginger paste in water which kick starts your metabolic system. Avoid excessively fried and oily food. Go for healthy fruits and vegetables but do not eat uncooked vegetables too much. Sprouts are very healthy and help to make you feel full. Herbal tea like green tea is an excellent fat burner. You should consume 2-3 cups of green tea every day. Spices are good for kapha pacification. Warm milk is good for ... https://www.shimply.com/articles/obesity-prevention-diet-lifestyle-recommendations/

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