Amla Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

03:20 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Be it modern medicinal approach or traditional ayurvedic approach, every healing system praises the multifarious medicinal virtues of Amla or Indian gooseberries. Amla is an ancient herb which has been used for over thousands of years in curing numerous ailments and boosting up overall health. Its immense medicinal qualities make amla no less than a magical herb. It miraculously goes inside the body and throws out the harmful invaders out of the body. It tastes bitter, but as the old adage puts it -“No Pain, No Gain”; if you want to harness its medicinal power, you have to bear its bitter taste. Be it respiratory, digestive, circulatory, excretory, nervous or muscular system, amla supports all the systems of human body and boosts up the immune and overall health naturally. Apart from being a rich storehouse of vitamin C and a nutritive-pack fruit, amla also has high content of calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, carotene, protein, vitamin A, E and B complex, folate, sodium, saturated fat, dietary fiber and much more. It has excellent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-diabetic and anti-cancer properties too. It even balances all the three doshas in ayurveda - vatta, pitta, kapha. As it is sour in taste, it is helpful in balancing vata dosha. Its cold nature balances pitta and as it is dry and has astringent properties, it is also useful in balancing Kapha. You will get ‘dog-tired’ of counting its benefits, the list won’t end. From head to toe, it benefits various organs and cures numerous diseases. Let’s look at its main health benefits quickly and get amazed. Amla Benefits Amla for Lustrous and Voluminous Hair Amla for Sharp Memory Use Amla to Get Healthy Bewitching Eyes Chew Amla for Quality Teeth Amla for Fresh Respiratory System Sour Amla for Sore Throat Great Thyroid Care Using Amla Amla for Healthy Heart Rejuvenate Liver With Amla Amla Puts Digestive ...

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