Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Diabetes

04:50 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

In ayurveda, diabetes is known by the name, “Madhumeha” which means the high sugar level in bloodstream due to low or no insulin. Almost all the ayurvedic scriptures have brief explanation about diabetes, its causes, risk factors, symptoms, complications, care and treatment. Ayurveda believes in the fact that healthy body implies the balance between the 3 biological energies or the three doshas in ayurveda - vata, pitta, kapha. There exists 20 types of diabetes according to ayurvedic scriptures - 4 due to vata imbalance, 6 due to pitta and 10 due to kapha imbalance. But primarily, diabetes is caused due to increase in kapha dosha. Kapha dosha may increase due to high intake of sugar, fats, dairy products, rice, potatoes etc. Other reasons include obesity, lack of physical activities, stress, genetics, excessive sleep etc. Symptoms include increased thirst and hunger, blurry vision, frequent urination, fatigue, dizziness, weight loss etc. Read more about Diabetes Causes and Symptoms. Diabetes is a lifelong disease and has no cure. But it can be managed and associated complications like heart attack, stroke, nerve and organ damage, blindness etc. can be prevented. Simple lifestyle and diet changes can make a big difference. Diabetes is a disease which weighs heavily not only on your health but on your pocket too. Though the patient can’t completely cut down on oral medications or injections, he may reduce their need by following ayurvedic natural inexpensive remedies. Plan your diet Regular exercise Make movements Sleep well No smoking, no drinking Set a goal De-stress yourself Plan Your Diet Managing your diet is the best way to manage your diabetes. Include bitter gourd, barley, wheat, turmeric, pepper, garlic, green gram, flax seeds, blue berry and goose berries in your diet. Choose roasted rice over normal rice and avoid kapha increasing diet (ghee, curd, rice, potatoes etc). Drink green tea or holy basil leaves’ ...

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