Measuring Your Blood Glucose Level

04:49 Mona Kapoor 0 Comments

Measuring blood glucose level is one of the most important tasks that a diabetic patient should do daily. It not only helps in keeping a check on blood glucose or sugar level but it also aids in preventing possible health complications in future. The patients who depend on insulin infusion should regularly check their blood glucose level several times a day. The no. of times you have to test your blood sugar level differs from person to person and he/she shall consult his/her doctor for this purpose. Usually it is recommended if you use insulin more than once a day, then you should check it three times daily. Generally, a diabetic patient shall check his glucose level before and after exercise, before meals, two hours after meal, before going to bed or when he is feeling unwell. Ways To Test Your Blood Glucose Level Blood Glucose Meter This way is a little achy as you have to prick your finger with lancing device to get a drop of blood but its comparatively cheaper. Put the blood drop on test strip and then insert the strip into blood glucose meter. Usually the meter gives result in 15 secs but it may depend on device used. Before testing, do wash your hands properly, preferably with warm water and do not use the same finger every time you test the sugar level. Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring System It is a small wearable device that keeps a constant check on blood glucose level in tissue fluids using a tiny glucose sensor. The sensor transmits the information via wireless radio frequency which is then displayed on screen. Healthy blood sugar level range may differ from device to device so read the user manual carefully for this purpose. But the general healthy reading according to American Diabetes association should be: Between 80 mg/dl and 120 ...

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