Home Remedies for Piles
Piles is a very common problem that affects a large number of people in India. The medical term to refer to Piles is haemorrhoids. As people become older (45 to 65 year old), this becomes more common. Due to changed lifestyle - obesity, dietary habits(low fiber diet, constipation), prolonged sitting or standing, lack of physical activity, this has become more common in recent years in India. Also pregnancy, heavy weight lifting, family history can also cause this. It occurs when veins inside or outside the anus get inflamed or swollen. While passing stool, patient has a feeling of irritation, pain and soreness. Piles and Hemorrhoids can occur inside the rectum or just below the anus. Both can be very painful if not treated timely. However, you are lucky as there are several organic home remedies for piles that can help you with this - Ice - Apply ice at affected parts to reduce swelling and give yourself immediate pain relief. Aloe Vera - Aloe vera helps reduce irritation. Aloe vera's therapeutic properties help in treating hemorrhoids by reducing inflammation. In case of external hemorrhoids, use aloe vera gel to message the area. For internal hemorrhoids, clean up the plant to remove thorns and cut leaves in strips. Put these strips in a freezer and then apply the icy cold aloe vera strip to the area. Lemon Juice - You should soak a cotton ball with lemon juice and apply it on the hemorrhoids - there may be some initial tingling but it will yield in comfort overtime. Radding Juice - Drink it daily to reduce your piles. Start drinking one fourth of a cup initially and then slowly increase the quantity to 1 cup per day. Pomegranate - Peel the pomegranate and then boil the peel - drink this water twice daily. Almond Oil - Apply the almond oil on ... https://www.shimply.com/articles/home-remedies-for-piles/from Articles https://www.shimply.com/articles/home-remedies-for-piles/